Photography: Antonis Douroudis

A selection of Photography work created by Antonis Douroudis during the Spring 2020 semester.


The distance between one trash bin and another

a street light, a car, a tree, a street sign, the road, the bridge, another street light, a window
the time is limited , i cannot just stand . i have to walk in order to deceive those that may be watching me , or else they’ll catch me red-handed

Still Lives

Carnet de Bal*

i don’t really fancy #lockdowndisco and #quarantineparty . it’s not the same , they don’t stink

*Carnet de bal  were called the small notebooks that young girls would carry during the balls in the beginning of the 20th century and write down, in order for each dance, those that had asked them to dance with. After each dance they would open the notebook and see whose young man’s turn was.



Antonis Douroudis‘s  artwork is also exhibited within the following sections of our Spring 2020 Show: